Fountains, ponds, streams

We have designed, constructed, reconstructed and equipped hundreds of fountains, streams and lakes of various size and shape for 20 years. We are among the largest importers and distributors of fountain equipment in the environment. We successfully produce many elements of equipment ourselves.

The development and advancement of technology has affected our improvement of fountain construction. Modern methods of waterproofing, pumps, lighting, processors and other control and command devices, provide numerous opportunities in their planning and installation. Naturalist’s design and construction team carefully monitors all design trends and scientific and technological innovation and wholeheartedly applies them in their daily work. Our experience, expertise and references guarantee that no task in the design and construction of fountains is a problem, but a pleasure and an opportunity to show what we love most and do best.

Since ancient time man has paid special attention to water in the landscape. In ancient Egypt irrigation canals were decorated by planting lilies. The Incas of Peru built ponds and canals of gold and silver. The Chinese, and later the Japanese, improved the water garden. Chinese and Japanese gardens are the best example of harmony between man and nature. Already in the third century AD some basic elements of the oriental garden were adopted: the pond, small islands, bridges… The most beautiful Japanese gardens include water, as one of their most important elements: springs, streams, waterfalls, ponds …

During the Renaissance, especially in Italy, fountains started to be decorated not only with greenery and flowers, but also with sculptures. Water gardens reach their peak in the time of Louis XIV, who raised the garden at Versailles with a total of 1440 fountains. Romanticism introduced gardens and aquatic forms in natural shapes. Typical are those which resemble the English countryside landscape.

Historically, the fountains have always been a luxury and they could only be enjoy by a small number of privileged and wealthy people. Even in today’s gardens, fountains, ponds or streams are a dream of every garden lover.



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